Friday, August 17, 2012


We were off!  With the beautiful English countryside flying past our train windows, we pushed onward towards the holy grail of our trip, Edinburgh and the Fringe!  While on the train, we all got some desperately needed sleep and checked out the dining cart.  Mark Watter was adopted by the family he was sitting with, and we would often catch glimpses of him drawing, playing cards, and eating candy with his brand new family.  We soon arrived at our destination, and proceeded to catch the most styling taxis ever to take us to our new home.  We met up with Peter Henderson, the owner of the house we are staying at, who gave us a grand tour of the house.  It was built in the 1860’s, but still is considered part of the “new” section of town.  So yeah, the buildings here are as ancient as they are gorgeous.  Soon, the cast was reunited and completed with the addition of Matt Prast and Alex Morton, who had arrived in Scotland previously.  We proceeded to go grocery shopping (what what Team Breakfast) and cook our first cast dinner together.  Of course, the only acceptable first meal was fish, chips, and mushy peas, made primarily by the master chef Maeve Brady.

After throwing on our awesome new Limbros shirts, we hit the town for a huge surprise.  In roommate pairs, we began an Amazing Race-esque Scavenger Hunt through the streets of Edinburgh.  Unfortunately, we had many obstacles in our way, as we started at 9 PM and most of the parks and gardens we were to go through were closed.  Part of our route was also blocked off for a military tattoo.  However, as thespians, we proceeded to improvise.  A note to add here: through asking many people for directions during the race, it is apparent that the people of Scotland are extremely friendly.  Like, hey, I just met you, and this is crazy.  With varying levels of success and frustrations, we were reunited at the start, with Casey and Chris having picked up some extremely tacky souvenirs.  Soon, we returned to our humble abode, figured out our rooms, and turned in for the night.

Still upset over the hamburgers,

Pat Rounds ‘15
Sam Byck

1 comment:

  1. No gifs?? How disappointing ;)

    I know you guys are killing it!
